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TaN-Tantalum nitride

  • Molecular weight Colour Density Melting point Boiling point Nitrogen content : 194.9
  • Colour: gray
  • Nitrogen content: ≥6.8
  • Density: 13.4g/m3
  • Melting point: 3090℃
  • Boiling point: 4800℃
■ Specifications

Tantalum nitride for the hexagonal crystal gray. The relative density of 13.4; the melting point of 3090℃; thermal conductivity of 9.54W / (m • K), resistivity 128μΩ • cm, micro-hardness 3200kg/mm2, conversion point temperature 17.8K. Do not dissolve in water, acid, slightly soluble in aqua regia, dissolved in potassium hydroxide and decomposition of the release of ammonia. Heating to 2000 ℃ releases nitrogen. The tantalum nitride resistors are resistant to water vapor erosion due to the material used to make accurate sheet resistances. Used as a super-hard material additives, for spraying, increase the transformer, integrated circuits, the electrical stability of the diode.

■ Technical Data


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